Hi Friends:
We are in the midst of our winter season here at Capt. Pete’s and that means King Salmon! Had a nice break with a trip to Washington, D.C. to visit our son and he and his wife agreed to accompany Mom and Dad to Florida. Have never been there, myself, so it was pretty cool (actually warm!) We spent a week at Key Largo in a very clean and comfortable two bedroom, two bath condo owned by Jim Bendick. If you could use a break in the Keys, e-mail him at jbendick3@nycap.rr.com and be sure to say that Capt. Pete sent you. I tell you, for a blind shot in the dark, the place was perfect.
Anyhow, back to fishing…..I and my friend, Ron Hurley, who is also a captain and owns the very nice “Sweet T” here in Homer took two gentlemen fishing on Thursday, Dec. 18th. Things started pretty well with a nice fat feeder king on before the second line was set. Now, the kings didn’t come hand over fist, but the last 45 minutes put the final three kings in the boat leaving us with eight nice salmon, total.
I filleted the crew fish on the way to the crab pot, but saved the guys fish for a photo at the dock. It was a balmy 35 degrees Thursday and Roy and Art were a joy to spend the day with. Am only hoping to have as much luck tomorrow.
I’ll try to post some fishing reports more often here. Have a very Merry Christmas and I am hoping to see you all in the new year! Take care,